
I like taking industrial landscapes and it doesn't really matter to me what camera I use.

Industrial Landscape. Austin 2011. Hasselblad film camera. Scan.

It is nice if I can shoot it square....


Art in LA said...

I like industrial landscapes too ... commerce ... the mess we humans make to make money/keep us happy. I just took a tour of the LA/Long Beach Harbor. I was blown away by the scale of those container ships and cranes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kirk - I like it; I'm an Old-Square-Lovin' guy.

Unknown said...

Kirk - I'm a big fan of your blog, so, first, many thanks for such thoughtful work for so long.

Two quickies: if camera doesn't matter and you like square...

Why not shoot with whatever you have and crop square in post?


Use a well-known brand of cellphone (begins with A) which allows you to switch to square before you shoot?


Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Chris, It's not the same mental process. Seeing all the crap outside the frame pushes you mind to see to many possibilities. It's a whole different way of seeing and it makes a difference. I have tried to go back and crop a 35mm frame into a square and it never, ever works for me. Having that frame to see with and to end with makes it so much more fluid and real.

We don't shoot with cellphones yet for our clients. I'm not sure it would be good marketing.

Anton Wilhelm Stolzing said...

Good old Hasselblad!