
I took a chance and cleaned the mirror on my Sony a77.

This photo has nothing to do with this particular blog post. I shot it to illustrate something for the first book I wrote and I liked it. I think I shot it with a Canon G10 and a Canon flash on a cable.

I saw some dust spots on some of the photos I took for my client yesterday so I took a loupe and went looking for dust on the mirror and sensor of my Sony a77.  I didn't find any on the sensor but I did see five or six bits of intractable dust on the front surface of the mirror. I grabbed some Windex and an old toothbrush and..... NO WAIT! I grabbed a can of compressed air and a Sensor Brush (and followed the instructions sent by a reader of the blog).  I blew the brush with the compressed air to remove dust on both sides.  Apparently this also imparts a positive charge to the bristles that helps lift dust off. I did a wipe from top to bottom on one side (left/right, not back/front), flipped the brush over and then did the same to the adjacent half of the mirror.

Being fearful of destroying my mirror I shot test frames and blew them up on the monitor.  Dust is gone and no ill effects followed on.  WooHoo! I did it.

blog note: Comments are off for a while. 

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