
The Visual Science Lab Inaugural Posting.

     I've created this blog to talk about the commercial side of photography and related visual arts.  Visit often for book reviews, equipment reviews, opinions and insights into the future of visual imaging and more.  The Visual Science Lab is an incubator for thinking rationally about creating visual art for lots of different, and some times, intertwined reasons.
So,  Who am I?  My name is Kirk Tuck and I've been actively involved in photography and advertising since 1979.  I have written three books about photography.  The first one came out 1 May 2008 and is entitled, Minimalist Lighting:  Professional  Techniques for Location Photography. This book covers the ways to use inexpensive, battery operated lights to do the same kind of work professionals have done for years with large, and expensive, A/C powered studio electronic flash units.  The book has been a consistent bestseller since it's publication.

The second book is entitled, Minimalist Lighting:  Professional Techniques for Studio Photography.  It comes out on the first of April, 2009 and will cover all the different ways to light people and products in the studio.  It covers most kinds of lighting, including inexpensive work lights from hardware stores as well as top of the line equipment from Profoto.  This book contains a number of step by  step demonstrations to help readers understand the relationship between light and the final image.

The third book will be out later in 2009 and will cover what one needs to know to attempt a career as a commercial photographer.  My publisher is Amherst Media.  If you like what I write about you might also check out my monthly column at www.prophotoresource.com.  The site requires registration but it is free.

I also write regularly for Studio Photography Magazine.  Here's a link to my most recent column for them as it appears online:  http://www.imaginginfo.com/print/Studio-Photography/An-Enhanced-Medium-Format-Digital-Camera-3$4670

I'll try to be diligent in posting to this blog at least every other day.  If you'd like to learn more about my business and my photographs, please take a moment to visit my website at http://www.kirktuck.com.  I look forward to getting to know you through your feedback and gentle criticism.

Welcome!  Kirk 


pete collins said...

Great stuff Kirk!
One thing... in your About me in the upper left
maybe put a linespace between Thanks Kirk and Big News! It may be that it is late, but I read that as one sentence and had to reread it once or twice to realize that it was a new subject.

I appreciate all your helpful comments in the Flickr forums and your challenging us to work at our art and not always take the easy way.
Pete aka Uniball

Anonymous said...

very nice
thanks for taking the time to write what I've just enjoyed reading !